Wednesday 20 May 2009

Modelling Tips and Photo Shoot Advice from a Photographer

3. What things shouldn’t models do in front of camera during a photo shoot?
Look like they are posing! As much as possible a model needs to be able to relax with the photographer so that the photo’s in turn also look relaxed yet professional.

4. Any general tips or advice for models during a photo shoot?

Practice, Practice, Practice! It really is key to all images you get from your time in front of the camera. The way you smile, the way you pose and anything else you do while in front of the camera will all help you feel more relaxed and get the images you require.
Check your outfits a few days before the shoot, do they look as you expected they would, do you need a different pair of shoes. Choose your favourite outfits to take with you but take an extra one incase something doesn’t look perfect I front of the camera.
Don’t try anything new the night before, changing your hair colour at 8pm when you have a booking at 10am the next morning won’t give you time to resolve anything that goes wrong!
Don’t turn up from a night out on the town and come in after hardly any sleep you won’t look you’re best and that early night really would have paid off when you see the final images!
Te key to all photo shoots is being professional and this applies to the photographer and the model. Make sure you arrive on time, know the kind of images that you want even if this means taking some pictures that you like will help the photographer know what you want form the day.
It is hard to know whether you should take a friend along to the shoot or if you should go on your own. As a general rule I would suggest that you don’t take your girl/boy friend but do bring a friend that will understand that they may need to leave you to it. Alternatively ensure that people know where you going how long you will be and give them the photographer’s details.


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